
Inside Midlibrary

Andrei Kovalev's Midlibrary is a carefully curated collection of hand-picked Midjourney Styles and a Midjourney Guide. We are also a non-profit educational initiative run by a group of dedicated Midjourney enthusiasts and volunteers.

Midlibrary grows by day, as we search for new artists and techniques, test their styles in Midjourney, categorize, describe, “featurize,” catalog, and upload them to the website.

Some of those styles are so fantastic, that our Experimentarium department takes them to their test labs and runs the Benchmark test. (⌐O__o)

hand-picked Midjourney styles in Midlibrary Catalog
styles tested with Midlibrary Benchmark
Features help you navigate our styles collection
Categories and Sections (i.e., Subcategories) in the Catalog

Another direction our passion for Midjourney takes is information and education.

We release in-depth Guides on different aspects of Midjourney (and AI art in general!). make thematic compilations with the interesting styles—Tops, and have just started production of Video Guides↗︎

Our Team is constantly updating the Catalog with new styles; adding new Benchmarks and Tops, Guides and In Focus episodes, each devoted to a specific Midjourney style or genre. That's a lot of pictures!

image files in Midlibrary.io database

The best reward for our work is it being helpful for the Community. Here are some numbers that encourage us and inspire Midlibrary advancements.

monthly views of Midlibrary Catalog and Guides
total Midlibrary users over time

Speaking of which! Midlibrary Community is:

Patreon Community members
Volunteers and Contributors
Newsletter subscribers

It is thanks to you that we continue doing what we love, maintain the best Midjourney Styles Library, and produce better and more regular (we-el... we are doing our best!) educational content.

days since Midlibrary birth on August 5
days since Midlibrary 2.0 launched

Wait a second... Who is Andrei Kovalev?

I am a visual artist ↗ with 17 years of experience in portrait photography, film, mask design, and education.

As Midjourney AI and its analogs are revolutionizing the world of art and our creativity itself, I am overwhelmingly excited to explore the limits of these fantastic new tools.

My goal with this project is to help, inform, educate, and otherwise develop the Midjourney Community.

All samples are produced by Midlibrary team using Midjourney AI (if not stated otherwise). Naturally, they are not representative of real artists' works/real-world prototypes.

Support Midlibrary on
Patreon →

Ver. 2.9.1

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Subscribe to Midlibrary Newsletter

We regularly publish new Midjourney Guides, compile new Style Tops, update the website, and have fun! Want to be the first to get Midlibrary news? Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss a thing!

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Please, expect emails from weekly@midlibrary.io. If you're not receiving our newsletter for a long enough time, please, check your Spam folder.
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Personal Libraries are available to our Patreon Community

Midlibrary Team

Learn more about the benefits of supporting us by becoming Midlibrary Patron—and start your Personal Library ↗︎

You have just become a Patron, and cannot log in?

Please, allow our team some time (usually not more than 24 hours) to set up your Personal Library.

You may be using different emails for your Patreon and Discord accounts. If that is the case, please, send your Discord email to community@midlibrary.io.

If the issue perists, or you didn't get a response to your email, please, inform us via Bug Report form


We are currently updating the Personal Libraires' infrastructure

Midlibrary Style Contributor

In the nearest future, it will allow you to access your Collections much quicker, add covers to them, tag the styles you save to quickly find them, and—most importantly—save your --sref (numerical) styles!

However, at the moment, logging in to your Library is unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you are a Midlibrary Patron, please, check this Patreon post ↗︎ for Personal Libraries status updates.

To start creating Collections and save favorite styles:

Log in with Discord →
Personal Style Collections

Learn more about Personal Style Libraries, saving favorite styles, and organizing them into Collections.

Learn more about supporting Midlibrary and the  benefits of joining our Patreon community →
