Suggest a style for Midlibrary Catalog

⚠️ Before suggesting a style, please ensure it isn't in the Midlibrary Catalog→

In case your suggestion is added to Midlibrary, we will create a public page for you displaying your contributons! Your email address is never shared.
Suggest a single style

ⓘ An artist's name, a title of a movie, a genre, etc. E.g.: Tyrus Wong, or Generative art.

ⓘ If you have a list of styles, either put them all in this field, or suggest submitting them one by one. After you submit the first one, you will be returned to this form.

Add extra details (optional)
This section is not necessary to submit your suggested style, but you can help us to add it to our Catalog faster.
ⓘ In your own words. E.g.: Portrait photographers, Art movements, Sculptors
ⓘ Generate a base prompt image: "by <artist's name>" or simply "<style name>", if the style is not an artist's style. E.g.: by Salvador Dali or Surrealism. Copy the 4-previews image link from Discord and paste it here.
ⓘ Anything you want to add to help us better undestand the style.
Suggest styles en masse
ⓘ Use any kind of separator (semicolon, comma, etc.). You can add styles details or any other comments right into this field.
Sumbit a link
ⓘ Can be a publicly accssible database, another catalog, a table, or any other source of new styles!
Thank you!
Your submission has been received

We will process it shortly. If the style is added to the Catalog, we will send you an email with the good news! And, of course, you will be attributed on the style page.

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Meanwhile, please try reloading the page and resubmitting the form. If the issue persists, let us know via the bug report form

All samples are produced by Midlibrary team using Midjourney AI (if not stated otherwise). Naturally, they are not representative of real artists' works/real-world prototypes.

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Ver. 2.9.1

Midlibrary by
Guy Bourdin
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We do our best to keep this website running as smoothly as possible. However, stuff happens, and we thank you for letting us know!

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Personal Libraries are available to our Patreon Community

Midlibrary Team

Learn more about the benefits of supporting us by becoming Midlibrary Patron—and start your Personal Library ↗︎

You have just become a Patron, and cannot log in?

Please, allow our team some time (usually not more than 24 hours) to set up your Personal Library.

You may be using different emails for your Patreon and Discord accounts. If that is the case, please, send your Discord email to

If the issue perists, or you didn't get a response to your email, please, inform us via Bug Report form


We are currently updating the Personal Libraires' infrastructure

Midlibrary Style Contributor

In the nearest future, it will allow you to access your Collections much quicker, add covers to them, tag the styles you save to quickly find them, and—most importantly—save your --sref (numerical) styles!

However, at the moment, logging in to your Library is unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you are a Midlibrary Patron, please, check this Patreon post ↗︎ for Personal Libraries status updates.

To start creating Collections and save favorite styles:

Log in with Discord →
Personal Style Collections

Learn more about Personal Style Libraries, saving favorite styles, and organizing them into Collections.

Learn more about supporting Midlibrary and the  benefits of joining our Patreon community →
