Midjourney version:
Optimal prompt:
Aron Wiesenfeld's painting depicting …

Aron Wiesenfeld

American painter


Aron Wiesenfeld is a contemporary American artist known for his evocative figurative paintings that often feature solitary figures in enigmatic landscapes. Born in Washington, D.C., Wiesenfeld initially pursued comic book art before transitioning to fine art. He studied at Cooper Union in New York City and later at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. His work has been exhibited in numerous solo and group shows across the United States and internationally.

Wiesenfeld's paintings are characterized by their moody atmospheres and a sense of mystery, often leaving the viewer with more questions than answers. His use of muted colors, intricate details, and dramatic lighting adds to the emotional depth of his work. The figures in his paintings are frequently young women or adolescents, caught in moments of introspection or uncertainty, set against backdrops that range from idyllic to unsettling.

Source ↗︎
Style descriptors:

Subdued, Realistic, Dreamy, Landscapes, Moody

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Aron Wiesenfeld

All samples are produced by Midlibrary team using Midjourney AI (if not stated otherwise). Naturally, they are not representative of real artists' works/real-world prototypes.

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Midlibrary by
Koloman Moser
All content in the Midlibrary catalog is generated by the Midlibrary team using Midjourney AI. We do not feature real artists' images, artworks, or any copyrighted material in our catalog. The samples provided by Midlibrary are intended for educational and illustrative purposes only and are not representative of real artists' works or real-world prototypes. Midlibrary is a non-profit initiative, not affiliated with real artists or authors, aiming to educate and inspire through the demonstration of the technology's potential in creative explorations.
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Suggest your prompt for 
Aron Wiesenfeld
 Midjourney style
Prompt example:

exotic bird with intricate feathers in style of 

Aron Wiesenfeld
--stylize 175 --v 5.1 --style raw
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